Greenscape Capital Group Inc.



Greenscape will continue to acquire significant stakes in early-stage companies that we believe can make a real impact on increasing energy efficiency across a variety of sectors.

We believe that outstanding technology, combined with talented people, aimed at causes that inspire, is a formula that will maximize shareholder value, motivate consumer behaviour and help make the world a better place. Our green parking initiative via Canopy Parking at Denver International Airport is growing very well since its hard-launch in January, 2011and we will continue to work closely with our operating & equity partner, Propark America, to ensure ongoing success. We are also open to using the experience we have garnered to replicating Canopy Parking's success elsewhere, should compelling commercial opportunities present themselves.

Our new investment in CapTherm Systems is an exciting opportunity for us to make a considerable impact on reducing energy consumption (and, therefore, greenhouse gas emissions) on a global basis. CapTherm's initial focus will be in the IT sector where its semiconductor chip cooling technology will allow energy consumption in datacentres to be reduced by up to 35%. The context of that savings is that the global spend on the energy used to cool datacentres is $12.9 billion per year, providing CapTherm with an outstanding market opportunity for its products.

Greenscape intends to be more than a source of funding for the targets in which it invests. We will be partners, mentors, and strategic advisors. We will form an integral part of the growth of these businesses.

Investor Relations by Kin Communications
webSITE by New Design Now